Sleep Tips You Need to Know:

Sleep Tip #1:  When it comes to optimal sleep hygiene nothing trumps sleeping in complete darkness in a cool room.  Any amount of white or especially blue light emitted from a computer, TV, cell phones and tablets will disrupt sleep by inhibiting the sleep hormone melatonin and stimulating the arousal hormone cortisol.  Abstain from all electronics one hour before bed.  I recommend black out curtains or blinds and remove all electronics from  the bedroom.  A small amber nightlight in the bathroom is ok.  Keep the room temperature below 70.  I find 68 almost ideal.

Sleep Tip #2:  The body needs to cool to initiate sleep.  Sleeping without any clothes improves and helps maintain sleep.  Only exception may be to wear socks as feet often chill or cramp due to poorer circulation at night.  Taking a hot bath, shower or sauna one hour before bed helps the body cool rapidly which can help sleep.


Sleep Tip #3:  Habitual snoring throughout the night will completely disrupt the quality of your life and sleep.  It will render you sick more often, keep you unable to control your weight, keep you hungry, sleepy and fatigued during the day and make you prone to accidents and memory problems.  And that’s the short list.  There are many useful solutions to snoring and seeing a sleep physician or sleep dentist would be a great place to start to determine if you have sleep apnea.


Check out more sleep tips from “10+ Experts Share Sleep Tips That You Wish You’d Known Sooner.”